Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Drones are Ready. Red Tape Is Also

Source: City of Richardson.

On January 7, 2025, the Richardson City Plan Commission (CPC) approved, but only with a special permit, ZF 24-33, "a City-initiated PD Amendment to the Collins/Arapaho TOD and Innovation District Form Based Code Planned Development to allow a 'Drone Operations and Maintenance Center' as a permitted use in the Employment Sub-District."

Do you even know what a Drone Operations and Maintenance Center is? I didn't. And, judging by the discussion by the CPC members, neither did they. I have three comments.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Joker: Folie à Deux (2024)

Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes

Joker: Folie à Deux (2024): Joker on trial for murders committed in earlier movie. Is he criminally insane or just evil? Critics hated it. Audiences avoided it. But I liked it. It was a powerful depiction of how our criminal justice system fails the mentally ill.'s a musical! B+


Monday, January 20, 2025

Charter Review: Sneak Preview of Changes

Source: Arefin Shamsul Facebook.

On December 2, 2024, the Richardson City Council appointed eleven members to a Charter Review Commission to review and suggest changes to Richardson's City Charter. I've been presenting my own suggestions (see links at bottom). The Commission held their first meeting Thursday, January 16, 2025. It was an orientation meeting. Nothing much was supposed to happen, and nothing was made of it when it did, but guessing how things will go tells me we got a sneak peek at some big changes that will be coming to Richardson's Charter. I'll get to those eventually, but first some scene setting.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

POTD: Souvenir Hunting in Bodrum

"Crowded stalls abound,
Colors, scents, and voices call,
Bargains all around."

— h/t ChatGPT

From 2024 05 16 Bodrum

Today's photo-of-the-day is from Bodrum, Turkey. "L" is souvenir hunting in the Bodrum Grand Bazaar.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

POTD: White Peacocks are not Albino

"Feathers pure as snow,
Against Bodrum's ancient walls,
Graceful as the past."

— h/t ChatGPT

From 2024 05 16 Bodrum

Today's photo-of-the-day is of a white peacock on the grounds of Bodrum Castle in Bodrum, Turkey. The castle was built "by the Knights of St John (Knights Hospitaller) as the Castle of St. Peter or Petronium. A transnational effort, it has four towers known as the English, French, German, and Italian towers, bearing the names of the nations responsible for their construction. The chapel was built around 1407 and the first walls completed in 1437."

Oh, yeah, about that white peacock. "These birds are usually not albino, as they're sometimes called, but rather leucistic, meaning they're born with a genetic condition that strips them—or parts of them—of pigment."