Thursday, April 4, 2024

Priscilla (2023)

Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes

Priscilla (2023): Biopic of the Presleys together. She was an innocent child. He was a spoiled man-child. She loved him. He loved himself. Movie doesn't do either's reputation any good. Neither has enough depth to keep audience's interest for 90 minutes. B-


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Death and Other Details (TV 2024)

Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes

Death and Other Details (TV 2024): Cruise ship full of rich people. Someone is murdered. A whodunnit that morphs into...what? A terrorist revenge action thriller? Mandy Patinkin and Violett Beane are good enough, but the rest play unlikable stereotypes. There are too many crimes to solve here, all tangled up in a convoluted plot. B-


Tuesday, April 2, 2024

ACFR: "There's No Fraud"

Source: DALL-E

For city finance wonks, Christmas comes twice a year: once in August when the City's budget is set and again when the City's annual comprehensive financial audit (ACFR) is published. The budget specifies the city's cash flow (its planned revenues and expenses). The financial audit details the city's assets (the value of city property, bank accounts, etc.) and its liabilities (outstanding debt, pension obligations, etc.).

Monday, April 1, 2024

Random Thoughts: Herd Stupidity


2024-03-03: Column: "As measles spreads, 'herd stupidity' grips Florida's government."
Pretty much. Conservative government is harmful to public health. Add that warning to others: Conservative government is harmful to democracy. Conservative government is harmful to the climate. How about just the catch-all warning: "Conservative government is harmful."

Sunday, March 31, 2024

POTD: Happy Easter

"Córdoba's treasure,
Sunlight's dance upon the stone,
Easter's vibrant hues."

—h/t ChatGPT

From 2023 09 10 Cordoba

Today's photo-of-the-day is from the Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba, Spain. I'll have more to say about this impressive building with a future POTD, but for today, Happy Easter, for those who celebrate. And Ramadan Mubarak for those celebrating that. Joy and prosperity to all.