Thursday, June 22, 2023

Book Review: Remarkably Bright Creatures

From Remarkably Bright Creatures, by Shelby Van Pelt:

Remarkably Bright Creatures


"Darkness suits me. Each evening, I await the click of the overhead lights, leaving only the glow from the main tank. Not perfect, but close enough. Almost-darkness, like the middle-bottom of the sea."

Book Review: Remarkably Bright Creatures: Story of an octopus and two aquarium night janitors who care for him. He repays them with clues to a mystery. The octopus is way too bright. Coincidences abound. A heartwarming, workmanlike story with something for all ages. B+

After the jump, my full review.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Extrapolations (TV 2023)

Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes

Extrapolations (TV 2023): Sci-fi. Next 50 years on Earth as temps rise and pollution builds. Earth's pretty much a hellhole, but life goes on, now with AI and VR and robots. Preachy, but can't decide if we're doomed or we'll all be saved in the end by science and engineering. C+

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

TIL: What's With All the Vacant Storefronts?

Once a Wendy's, then vacant.
Then a Quizno's, now vacant.
Maybe soon a Lucky's Chicken.

Have you ever seen one of your favorite restaurants, one that seemed popular and busy, go out of business, with the owner explaining that the landlord raised the rent to an unaffordable level? And then watch the now vacant building sit empty for months or years with a "For Lease" sign out front? What's with that?

Monday, June 19, 2023

Coaching from the Stands

Source: DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI

An open letter to Coach,

You are probably tired of me heckling from the cheap seats in the grandstand, so I thought I'd take the time to write a fan letter instead. I do more booing than I'm proud of. Once I even called on you to quit coaching. You're not good at it, I said. It's not even your job, I said. I now admit I was wrong. You were right. I'm embarrassed if I ever sound like that fan in the picture above.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

POTD: Sunset behind Livorno Lighthouse

From 2022 10 27 Florence

This photo-of-the-day is from the Port of Livorno, Italy. It shows the sun setting behind the lighthouse as we sail away from Livorno at the end of our day in Florence. The lighthouse dates originally to 1303. I'll let Wikipedia tell its more modern history: "The tower was intact until June 20, 1944, when the German troops blew it up as the Allied armies approached." Because of course they did. War is hell. The lighthouse was rebuilt. Because of course it was. The human spirit is indomitable.