Thursday, May 4, 2023

Morris Ice House Gets Respect from Google

Morris Ice House

In May of 2019, when I first wrote about the Morris Ice House in old downtown Richardson, now called the "CORE" (you know, like New York has the "Big Apple", Richardson has the "Core"), I noticed that on Google Maps, the Morris Ice House was labeled "Rinky Dinky Building." Offended, I immediately submitted a correction to Google Maps. Of course, I was ignored. (Remember, our motto here is "Not Being Listened to Since 2006.") Or so I thought.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

8-Day Campaign Finance Reports for RISD

Source: DALL-E

Candidates for Richardson ISD Board of Trustees have filed 8-Day Campaign Finance Reports. Here are the totals for the 30-Day Reports and the 8-Day Reports, ranked by the combined totals.

Total Political Contributions
Eric EagerPlace 6$2,484.14$1,886.09
Debbie RenteriaDistrict 3  $2,226.43$1,943.40
Blake SawyerPlace 6   $1,967.37 $573.00
Bonnie AbadieDistrict 3$1,205.00 $650.00

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

8-Day Campaign Finance Reports for City Council

Source: DALL-E

Candidates for Richardson City Council have filed 8-Day Campaign Finance Reports. Here are the totals for the 30-Day Reports and the 8-Day Reports, ranked by the combined totals.

Political Contributions
Bob DubeyMayor$21,697.55$3,387.10
Dan BarriosPlace 3   $14,629.56$8,481.69
Janet DePuyMayor$11,350.00$7,515.00
Ken HutchenriderPlace 5$3,915.00  $11,515.00
Curtis DorianPlace 1$10,401.00$2,050.00
Stephen SpringsPlace 3$6,875.00$5,260.00
Todd HunterPlace 5$1,961.70$3,386.15
G. Scott WaddellPlace 1$3,755.00$700.00

Monday, May 1, 2023

Random Thoughts: Jeff Leach Had It Coming


2023-04-02: Jeff Leach had it coming:
"Texas GOP lawmaker is tricked into reading dirty names during committee meeting."

2023-04-07: "On a vote of 86-52 the Texas House adopts amendment to ban school vouchers."
Richardson's representative, Angie Chen Button, who campaigns on a message of supporting public schools, votes to support vouchers.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

POTD: Goodbye to the Danube

From 2022 07 18 Budapest

Our last photo-of-the-day from the Danube River is a scene of Budapest at night. It shows the Hotel Gellért, which sits on the site of the Gellért Spa, a famous thermal spa that has been used for centuries. In the midground is the Szabadság Bridge, built in 1896 and reconstructed after it suffered heavy damage in World War II (like so much of Europe did). And in the foreground is one of the pleasure ships that offer rides on the beautiful Danube River through Budapest. This was our last night in Europe, having traveled over 700 miles on the Rhine, Main, and Danube Rivers from Amsterdam to Budapest.