"Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose."
("The more things change, the more they stay the same.")
— Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, 1849.
From the December 13, 2021, Richardson City Council meeting minutes:
City Plan Commission
Motion to: reappoint Joe Costantino and Gwen Walraven for a term effective 08/01/2021 to 08/01/2023; to appoint Sibyl LaCour as a full member effective immediately for a term ending 08/01/2023; to appoint Bryan Marsh as Chair for the remainder of his term and Stephen Springs as Vice Chair for the remainder of his term; and to appoint Nate Roberts as an Alternate for an unexpired term ending 08/01/2023. Motion by Councilmember Justice, seconded by Councilmember Corcoran, and approved unanimously.
From the (few) CPC meetings I've attended,
Walraven and LaCour
were "furniture" members of the CPC, contributing nothing but their
votes in support of the majority, and Bryan Marsh was the leader of
that majority supporting the establishment position against needed
change. Seeing them all reappointed is no surprise. What is a surprise
is that the motion was made by Jennifer Justice and seconded by Joe
Corcoran. Was I fooled by their candidacies into believing they
would bring change or have they succumbed to the indoctrination into
the "Richardson Way"? The vote was 7-0.