Monday, June 21, 2021

Goals for our New City Council

Richardson has a new City Council. Three new members were elected in May, taking seats alongside two others who were elected in 2019. That leaves only two members with more than one term of service (Bob Dubey, with two prior terms, and Paul Voelker, with four). Early in each council's term, it's traditional for them to set goals for their own term. I have a suggestion. ;-)

Sunday, June 20, 2021

A Father's Day Meditation on Abraham, Isaac, Kierkegaard, and Donald Trump

Thinking about the inherent conflict between American individualism and Christian selflessness, and how some people can comfortably hold both in their heads simultaneously, I found some paragraphs from a Kierkegaard biography relevant. They are about true faith. They also made me think of Donald Trump.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Action Required: Email Subscription Change

If you've been receiving new blog posts of "The Wheel" by email subscription, notice that this service will be changing in mid-July. The service available for years (provided by FeedBurner) will be going away, requiring all subscribers to resubscribe using the new service (provided by Feedrabbit). To do this, use a desktop browser (not a mobile browser) to go to The Wheel's home page ( There, look in the right side menu for the "Subscribe by Email" link. Or, you can just go to the subscription service directly here
( Subscribers will receive each new post in their email inbox immediately after publication.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Paved A Way: Extermination as Government Policy


Who is the worst villain in history? Hitler, right? And what makes him the worst villain? Genocide, right? The word was even coined for him. Where does Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar rank on the list? Top ten? Top hundred? Or so far down the list that your first reaction is "Who is Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar?"

I'm reading "Paved A Way: Infrastructure, Policy and Racism in an American City" by Collin Yarbrough. The city is Dallas, Texas. I'm blogging as I go, using whatever parts of the book catch my attention. It fills us in on Mirabeau B. Lamar.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Paved A Way: "Dallas Doesn't Give a Damn About its History"


I've begun reading "Paved A Way: Infrastructure, Policy and Racism in an American City" by Collin Yarbrough. The city referenced in the title is Dallas, Texas. Instead of reading it all the way through and then writing a short review (my usual practice), I've decided to blog as I go, using whatever parts of the book catch my attention.

A good place to start is with this quote in the opening chapter:

Robert Lee Thornton, Dallas’s former mayor, once said, "Dallas doesn’t give a damn about its history; it only cares about the future."
Paved A Way