Friday, September 11, 2015

POTD: Fishing in Hoi An

From 2015 03 22 Hoi An

Today's photo-of-the-day is from Hoi An, Vietnam. It shows a man fishing on the Thu Bon River. Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll entertain the tourists for a lifetime.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Voters Guide: City Charter Amendments 1-10

It's election time. It's an off-year election, but be prepared to spend more time than usual in the voting booth this November. Besides Texas constitutional amendments and city bond proposals, there are 83 propositions for amending the Richardson City Charter. Even if you don't bother to read them, it'll take a while just to check 83 boxes "YES" or "NO." But you shouldn't just willy-nilly check all "YES" or all "NO" or mix it up and try to make creative cross-stitch patterns out of your X's on your ballot. I'm here with a voter's guide to tell you how to vote. You're welcome.

First in a series.

I divide the propositions into several categories: cosmetic changes (affecting spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc., but not meaning); cleanup changes (where outdated or confusing language is changed but not the meaning); minor changes (substantive changes to the powers of government but of a minor nature); and substantive changes (changes to the powers of government of more significant nature). I can't decide how to categorize some propositions. In some cases, I don't have enough information to decide whether a change really only "simplifies" and "clarifies" the charter, as a proposition might claim, or whether it hides substantive changes. You'll see what I mean.

With 83 propositions, it's going to take more than a single cheat sheet -- more like eight or so. So let's get started. Here are my recommendations for Propositions Nos. 1-10. Recommendations for the rest will be coming in due time.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Clouds of Sils Maria (2014)

Clouds of Sils Maria (2014): A study in aging. Play within a play. Life imitates art. Who is playing which part? Great women's roles. B-

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

POTD: Vietnam in One Shot

From 2015 03 22 Hoi An

Today's photo-of-the-day is from Hoi An, Vietnam. What can I say about it? One shutter snap captures so much of modern Vietnam, including touches of traditional Vietnam. There's the communist flag. There's the touristy cyclo (three-wheeled bicycle rickshaw). There's the affluent young couple with the woman in a stunning fuchsia silk dress. There's the woman in the traditional Vietnamese style conical hat. And there's the cell phone in her hand. There's not much about modern Vietnam that's missing from this photograph. It's said that all photos lie, but I like the lie this one tells.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Increased Density Spurs Retail Revival

The wedge that cleaves Richardson politics is development. On one side are those who want to see the city stop the construction of apartments and do something to breath life back into dying shopping centers. On the other side are those who rally behind multi-use developments like CityLine and Palisades with their apartments, offices and retail. It turns out that maybe, just maybe, the key to reversing the decline of older retail in Richardson is the success of new multi-use developments.