Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Frozen (2013)

Frozen (2013): Princess, vaguely Grinch-like, Frosty and a gospel of sacrificing one's life. Nice animation and songs anyway. B-

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How Many Starbucks are Enough?

Source: Starbucks.
How many Starbucks are enough? The question arises because of the construction of a Starbucks on the southeast corner of Campbell and Coit. You may be asking, isn't there a Starbucks on that corner already? Well, yes, but the existing Starbucks will close when the new one opens. You may also be asking, isn't there another Starbucks in the Tom Thumb across Campbell? And another in the Target across Coit? Well, yes and yes. And another down Campbell to the east in the UT-Dallas student center? And yet another one on Campbell at Central? Well, yes and yes again. And another one here, there and seemingly everywhere. So, just how many are enough?

Monday, February 9, 2015

Who Owns Your Body?

Who said it?
Who Owns Your Body? If not you, then you are a slave. When your health depends on the sanctions permitted by your society and not your independent action, you have no right to your life and are thus a slave to the whims of others.
Barbara Harless said it. Who is Barbara Harless? If you guessed some left-wing spokeswoman for the pro-choice movement, you'd be wrong. She's a right-wing advocate for the anti-vaccination movement in North Texas. The unintended irony is rich. The unwitting hypocrisy is stunning. But that's what passes for reasoned discourse today.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Boyhood (2014)

Boyhood (2014): Clever concept in service of an uncompelling story. Every character is more interesting than the boy. Please, no Oscar. B-

Saturday, February 7, 2015

How to Succeed in Business at PHS

How to Succeed in Business at PHS: Great lighting, sound, voices and especially choreography in this old sexist musical. Learn from it kids.