Sunday, February 1, 2015

Little Shop of Horrors at BHS

Little Shop of Horrors at BHS: So much to praise, including orchestra, tech, Audrey II, Mr Yartym, Doo Wop Girls and Audrey's awesome voice.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Showdown: Mesquite 79, Berkner 67

From 2015 01 30 Mesquite vs Berkner

In District 10-6A action Friday night, the Mesquite High School men's basketball team defeated the Berkner Rams 79-67, knocking the Rams out of a first place tie with Mesquite and Richardson. Bummer. But the Berkner Bandolera drill team put on a great halftime show. Come out and support your local school kids. The entertainment is the best value in sports.

More photos after the jump.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Richardson, "Wonderfully Diverse Land of Opportunity"

"Don't read the comments". Always good advice. Still...

After an otherwise too-easy takedown of Sarah Palin by Jim Schutze in Unfair Park (in which he pitches the theory that Texas is becoming the Sarah Palin of states, using the example of the newly elected representative from Belton who wants Texas Muslim visitors to her Capitol office to pledge an oath of allegiance), there was one comment that I just can't help passing along to Richardson readers.
I love Texas. Batshit crazy right-wingers are not Texas. Texas is the wonderfully diverse land of opportunity and the American dream that I see in Richardson, for example, where people have gathered from all over the globe to seek opportunity and better themselves and their families. The crazies like that lady in Belton are like mesquite -- an unfortunate legacy of past mistakes.
Source: Unfair Park.
The commenter was "JimSX," who sounds a lot like Jim Schutze himself, making the comment all the more remarkable as perhaps the first kind thing Schutze has had to say about, not only Richardson, but any Dallas suburb.

Belle (2013)

Belle (2013): Race and class in 18th c. England. Rich costumes and sets. 2D characters. Think anti-slavery movement meets Downton Abbey. B-