Saturday, September 13, 2014

Berkner 14, Mesquite Poteet 45

From 2014 09 12 Berkner vs Poteet

Ouch! There aren't many highlights to report from this game. The marching bands from both schools were excellent, as usual. The cool weather was welcome, with temperatures in the sixties. The misty rain that fell throughout the game was not. With the loss, Berkner drops to 2-1 with a bye next week and the start of district play September 26 with the annual rivalry game against Lake Highlands.

More photos after the jump.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Chicago Kids

From 2014 08 23 Chicago
More photos after the jump.

Correction: Mayor Maczka's Stand on Tolling Central

At the September 8 city council worksession, Mayor Laura Maczka clarified her statements to the Texas Transportation Commission, denying that she or the mayors of Plano and Allen expressed support for tolling Central Expressway, contrary to an unverified report I quoted from. In the worksession she said the city has not taken a position on tolling. I was wrong to state that she was still silent on where she or the city stands. I regret the error.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Wheel Award for Excellence in Motion Pictures

Oscar night is six months gone. "12 Years a Slave" was the Academy's pick for "Best Picture." I couldn't say at the time that it was my pick for "best" movie of 2013 because I hadn't seen all of the nominees. In fact, I hadn't yet seen "12 Years a Slave" when it received the golden statue in March. Well, now that it's September, I can finally say I've seen all of the Oscar nominees for "Best Picture" of 2013 and I can pick a winner. Call this the Netflix Oscar.

After the jump, my own pick for "Best Picture".