Monday night, the Richardson City Council approved a rezoning request to allow the construction of four restaurants on land previously occupied by the demolished Continental Inn on Central Expressway.
I've had my
say on this well-conceived but mismanaged project many times before. Now that the rezoning is approved, I'll just say that the City Plan Commission ought to be feeling both good about themselves and disrespected at the same time. It was the CPC's rejection of the first submitted (unpopular) plan that led to the (less unpopular) plan that was ultimately approved by the city council Monday night. Good for the CPC. But then, the council took up the revised plan without sending it to the CPC for their expert consideration and advice. Bad for the city council. Why have a CPC if you're not going to draw on their experience in a matter such as this, the so-called catalyst project for the whole West Spring Valley Corridor Planned Development?
OK, I've said more than I intended to already. What I meant to say is that two people closer to the matter than I am have already said pretty much all that needs saying. After the jump, Cottonwood Heights NA President Jason Lemons and Richardson Heights NA President Richard Dotson. Both were speaking in an individual capacity and not for the associations they lead.