Sunday, May 12, 2013

Election Wrap: Over Before It Began

Congratulations to Laura Maczka, Richardson's next mayor.

Now that Richardson's mayoral election is over, there are a few loose ends to tie up.

Amir Omar was warned that if he supported direct election of the mayor, then he wouldn't win re-election. Well, he did and he didn't. He was probably doomed in January, 2012, when he stood alone, among seven council members, in not going along with killing talk of a charter change. He was certainly doomed when Alan North gathered enough petition signatures to get a charter change on the November ballot. Fair or not, Omar got tied to that, too.

Omar was probably doomed whether he sought the newly-created mayor's seat or if instead he tried to find an open seat in the game of musical chairs that resulted from the charter change. It really didn't matter. It's just that hard to win election in Richardson without the support of the establishment, a.k.a. the Richardson Coalition PAC, which has gone 15 for 15 in city council election campaigns in Richardson since 2009. Omar went for the gold ring, not because it was reachable, but because he had no viable options. In for a dime, in for a dollar.

Now, I could be wrong here. There were rumors that the Richardson Coalition PAC was willing to let bygones be bygones and support Omar for another council seat, if Omar would agree not to challenge Laura Maczka for mayor. If that rumor is true, then Omar badly misjudged the electorate and shares the blame for being on the outside looking in now. In any case, Mayor Amir Omar wasn't meant to be. It was over before it began.

The above explains when the race was over. It doesn't explain how it went down. More on that in future posts.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Night of Drumming at BHS

The Berkner Percussion put on the 5th Annual "Night of Drumming" at Berkner High School Saturday evening. If you've never attended one of these, you don't know what you're missing. Besides the beat of the drums, there's melody and visual entertainment as well. Berkner has one of the best high school bands in the nation (no kidding) and its percussion section is one of the reasons why. I can't recommend this too highly. Don't miss it next year.

As for the other beat down that happened today, a.k.a the Richardson mayoral election, I'll have more to say on that in the morning. For now, congratulations to Laura Maczka, Richardson's next mayor.

Friday, May 10, 2013

S2L77: Fatehpur Sikri

Agra, India
March 8, 1977

The hotel reception desk lost my room key. I was locked out for an hour while attempts were made (unsuccessful) to unlock the door with various "master" keys. My key was finally located in the room next door.
Source: Personal travel notes.

From 1977 03 02 India

Why I thought it significant to comment on a lost room key, but not say a word about Fatehpur Sikri, I'll never know. As bewitching as the Taj Mahal is under the light of a full moon, Fatehpur Sikir is, for me, the most haunting site in India. Twenty three miles west of Agra, it was the capital of the Mughal Empire in the late 1500s. It was a planned city, built and abandoned all within a couple of decades, leaving this haunting red sandstone ghost town for tourists to wander and imagine what life must have been like in the imperial court of the Mughal Empire of Akbar the Great.

More photos after the jump.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Politics is Not Here to Please You

Politics is not here to please you.
Source: Ezra Klein.
By that, Ezra Klein was referring to the dysfunction in government in Washington, with one side insisting that all would be well if the President would just lead and the other side insisting all would be well if Republicans in Congress would just compromise. Klein says the polarized state of politics in Washington is not difficult to understand; it's just difficult to fix. That may not please those who demand simple, immediate solutions, but then, politics is not here to please you.

After the jump, applying that lesson to Richardson politics.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Review: The Book Thief

The Book Thief
From The Book Thief, by Marcus Zuzak:
Open quote 

She was the book thief without the words. Trust me, though, the words were on their way, and when they arrived, Liesel would hold them in her hands like the clouds, and she would wring them out like the rain."

Life in Nazi Germany for a young girl. Ugly and glorious, a story each generation needs to relearn.

After the jump, my review.