Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Repeat Tweets: Ted and Mike and Me

Repeat tweets from April, 2013:

  • 2 Apr 2013: MT @SenTedCruz: "UN Arms Treaty should be rejected. It's international gun regulation, plain and simple." Leftover #AprilFools tweet, right?
  • 2 Apr 2013: Headline: "In Nelson, Georgia., you now have to own a gun." I thought mandates were supposed to be tyranny.
  • 2 Apr 2013: Hard to imagine, but print dinosaurs like @MikeHashimoto still use terms like "Chicago union thugs."
  • 4 Apr 2013: .@SenTedCruz, folks in Lubbock have some of the worst uninsured rates in the nation. That's the result when govt gets out of the way. #wacko
  • 4 Apr 2013: RT @MikeHashimoto: "Obama gives Hollywood a pass on violence." His hands are full trying to reduce real gun violence.
  • 4 Apr 2013: RT @SenTedCruz: "Cut extravagant parties at the White House-not cancer treatment for Medicare patients." Really? Have you no shame? #wacko
  • 5 Apr 2013: MT @SenTedCruz: "We must champion growth & it won't come from politicians in DC." No, but politicians demanding austerity can kill growth.
  • 5 Apr 2013: RT @MikeHashimoto: "Don't blame sequester for awful jobs report, says even the NYT." @MikeHashimoto suddenly likes NYT. Who knew?
  • 5 Apr 2013: MT @SenTedCruz: "over 4 years after financial crisis, the economy is gasping for breath." So, quit choking it. #NoToAusterity #wacko

After the jump, more repeat tweets.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The One With My Endorsement for RISD

Yesterday, I announced my endorsement for mayor of Richardson. I admit I was conflicted. After going from being very happy with both candidates to beginning to wonder if Richardson would be better served by having a third choice, I ended up endorsing more out of necessity than enthusiasm. Negative campaigning does as much harm to our city as it does to the opposing candidate. Anyone who engages in or tolerates negative campaigning loses stature in my opinion.

That's completely different from my attitude towards the Richardson school board race (RISD). After the jump, my endorsement.

Monday, April 29, 2013

The One With My Endorsement for Mayor

After weeks of growing despair at the increasingly negative tone of the mayor's race in Richardson, after going from being very happy with both candidates to beginning to wonder if Richardson would be better served by having a third choice, the time to vote is finally here. Early voting begins today. The general election is less than two weeks away, May 11. My weeks of waffling are over. I have to decide how to vote.

After the jump, I come down off the fence.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Of Inner Cities and High Density

Amir Omar is doing his best to lose whatever sympathy he gained by being the victim of personal attacks during this election campaign. He's doing that by taking quotes from Laura Maczka out of context and spinning a "vision" for her that people who have paid attention this election campaign would never recognize (and by "people who have paid attention" I mean me.)

Here's the quote from Omar's latest mailer.
We are now an inner city.
Source: Amir Omar mailer.
This quote is all that appears on a full page. Omar is clearly trying to play it up as something huge.

After the jump, my thoughts.

Friday, April 26, 2013

No Knockout in Mayor's Race

After weeks of campaigning and a dozen or so rounds in the ring, the two candidates for Richardson's mayor were bloody but still standing after the last round, the big forum in the Grand Hall of the Richardson Civic Center, sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Richardson.

I won't provide a blow by blow account because the city recorded this one and made it available for all to stream from the city's website for viewing at your leisure. It's only 82 minutes long. Inform yourselves.

After the jump, the highlights, from my point of view.