Sunday, June 30, 2024

POTD: The Chouara Tannery

"Not just history,
Fez breathes, works, and lives today,
Vibrant, real, and true."

—h/t ChatGPT
From 2023 09 19 Fez

Today's photo-of-the-day is from Fez, Morocco. "The Medina of Fez is listed as a World Heritage Site and is one of the world's largest and oldest urban pedestrian zones." But it's not touristy like a Disney Main Street. It's real. People live there. They shop there. They work there. There's even industry there like the Chouara Tannery, whose founding is lost in history, but possibly dates back to the earliest days of Fez in the 8th Century.

Click for a bonus photo.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

POTD: Yes, Walk Down the Alleys

"Ancient alleys wind,
Fez's narrow paths invite,
Labyrinth of time."

—h/t ChatGPT
From 2023 09 19 Fez

Today's photo-of-the-day is from Fez, Morocco, founded in the 8th Century, and now the second largest city in Morocco. "The Medina of Fez is listed as a World Heritage Site and is one of the world's largest and oldest urban pedestrian zones (car-free areas)." It's car-free because it's impossible for cars to get into the maze of narrow alleyways. It's my favorite old city in all the world. So, yes, walk down the alleys. Get lost. It's hard not to. Who knows what surprises you'll find around every corner?

Click for bonus photos.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

TIL: Why Democrats are Losing

Homeless man in downtown Phoenix

They say, when you're explaining, you're losing. Here I'm going to be explaining what I learned today about why Democrats are losing. That should tell you something about how stupid I am. But here goes anyway.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Hit Man (2024)

Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes

Hit Man (2024): A unique Richard Linklater film, a true-crime/rom-com/mystery? A boring professor works undercover for police pretending to be a hit man. When he falls for a woman who wants her husband dead, things get complicated. Based (mostly) on a true story, the plot keeps you guessing how it will end. A-


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

OK, Mr. Critic, What's Your Alternative?

Source: h/t Adobe Photoshop

After I posted my review of the City of Richardson's proposed new City Hall, I expected to receive critical responses in return along the lines of, "OK, Mr. Critic, what's your alternative?" Usually, I duck such questions, but this time, I'm going to offer an answer, one that I expect will be surprising. My alternative is a building right here in Richardson. It isn't built yet, but it will be. After the jump, what I'd like to see instead.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Richardson's new City McHall

Source: City of Richardson

The Richardson City Council reviewed plans for a new City Hall during its June 17, 2024, meeting. This was the second time renderings of the new building were reviewed, the first time being February 5, 2024. Then, I said, "My guess is the City Hall will look fortress-like from Fountain Plaza, but the rest of the views are more than acceptable to me." I also reported that the architecture team said, "The materials to be used on the exterior walls are not yet decided. 'We're intentionally trying to be very nebulous or non committal about what the exterior materials will be at this moment.'" Well, we now have a better understanding of the view and the materials. I'm sorry to say my overall grade for the plan has gotten worse.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

POTD: My Name is Ozymandias

"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

—Percy Bysshe Shelley
From 2023 09 18 Volubilis

Today's photo-of-the-day is from Volubilis, a UNESCO World Heritage archaeological site in Morocco. Volubilis, "founded in the 3rd century B.C., became an important outpost of the Roman Empire and was graced with many fine buildings. Extensive remains of these survive in the archaeological site, located in a fertile agricultural area."

A bonus photo of the Queen of Queens is after the jump.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

POTD: Colors Bright and Faded

"Modern gaze meets past,
Overlooking ancient ruins,
Visitor ponders."

—h/t ChatGPT
From 2023 09 18 Volubilis

Today's photo-of-the-day is from Volubilis, a UNESCO World Heritage archaeological site in Morocco. Volubilis, "founded in the 3rd century B.C., became an important outpost of the Roman Empire and was graced with many fine buildings. Extensive remains of these survive in the archaeological site, located in a fertile agricultural area."

This building is modern and overlooks the ruins of Volubilis, which were behind me as I took this photo. It's said that many ancient buildings and sculptures were painted in colors that have worn away long ago. No one is saying that a visitor in Roman times might have seen Volubilis similarly painted, but modern visitors are permitted to imagine anyway.

A bonus photo is after the jump.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Leveraging AI for Local Govt Efficiency

Source: Dan Barrios

Richardson City Councilmember Dan Barrios is attending a conference. He reports on Facebook, "My first fascinating breakout for the day! It was a packed room and the most popular one yet!"

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Boys in the Boat (2023)

Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes

The Boys in the Boat (2023): Drama based on real-life story of the University of Washington rowing team who went all the way to the Berlin Olympics in 1936. The scrappy kids face every obstacle on their way to glory. The script is filled with every sports trope, but if a feel-good sports movie is what you like, this is for you. B-
