Friday, May 29, 2015

Review: Dept. of Speculation

Dept. of Speculation
From Dept. of Speculation, by Jenny Offill:
Open quote 

"'I think I must have missed your second book,' he says. 'No,' I say. 'There isn't one.' He looks uncomfortable; both of us are calculating the years or maybe only I am. 'Did something happen?' he says kindly after a moment. 'Yes,' I explain."

After the jump, my review.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sweet Jesus, $47 Million? - Amen

Earlier, I argued against giving targeted tax breaks to developers. Reader Steve Benson raised two counter-arguments.

First, development can sometimes result in added tax revenues greater than the cost of the city services consumed by that development, thus reducing the real tax burden on other taxpayers.

Second, if cities are prohibited from offering targeted tax breaks, some development projects in the category above won't proceed.

Is Steve correct? And if so, should I change my mind about the Palisades development in particular, and targeted tax breaks in general?

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Selma (2014)

Selma (2014): Powerful portrayal of fight for voting rights. Tips towards MLK and against LBJ. Voting rights under threat again today. B+

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sweet Jesus, $47 Million? - ctd

Some people's view of the world is black and white and isn't troubled by the complexities of a case like this. Not me. My head hurts thinking about all the angles to this deal. I start with Eric Nicholson's reaction: "Sweet Jesus, $47 million?" But I end up torn. It might not be the best deal Richardson could have swung. But it might not be such a bad deal, either. I'm sorry if you've read this far and are disappointed in that wishy washy answer.
Source: The Wheel.
That's what I wrote when I first covered the topic of the $47 million tax rebate Richardson granted to the developer of Palisades. I'm back to make up for my wishy washy answer.

Monday, May 25, 2015

POTD: Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

From 2015 03 11 Jakarta

Today's photo-of-the-day is from Jakarta, Indonesia. It is a photo of the Pavilion of West Sumatra in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (literally translated, "Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park"). Think of it as an Epcot Center devoted to the various islands and cultures of Indonesia. Good times.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Review: We Are Called to Rise

We Are Called to Rise
From We Are Called to Rise, by Laura McBride:
Open quote 

There was a year of no desire. I don't know why. Margo said I was depressed; Jill thought it was 'the change.' That phrase made me laugh. I didn't think I was depressed. I still grinned when I saw the roadrunner waiting to join me on my morning walk. I still stopped to look at the sky when fat clouds piled up against the blue, or in the evenings when it streaked orange and purple in the west. Those moments did not feel like depression."

We Are Called to Rise is this year's selection for "Richardson Reads One Book." Above is the very first paragraph. For me, it almost turned the book into "Richardson Reads One Paragraph."

After the jump, my review.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

POTD: Sunda Kelapa

From 2015 03 11 Jakarta

Today's photo-of-the-day is from Jakarta, Indonesia. It will be of interest to lovers of history and the sea. It was taken in Sunda Kelapa, the old port of Jakarta. The port dates back at least 800 years and served as the main port of Batavia, the capital of the Dutch East Indies until the late 19th century.

Modern ships have outgrown the port, but it's still home to pinisi, traditional two-masted wooden sailing ships that carry cargo between Indonesia's many islands. It's still an active port. Walking down the long dock, observing the loading and unloading of ships, is like taking a step back in time, and not some historical re-creation but the real thing. Good times.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Meet the Mayor: Paul Voelker

Following a unlikely chain of falling dominoes, Paul Voelker was sworn in as Mayor of Richardson Monday night. (If you've been on Mars the last few months and don't know what all those dominoes were, tough. Here at The Wheel that's so yesterday's news.)

Voelker's selection wasn't a complete surprise. We had Bob Townsend as the slight favorite (or maybe Mark Solomon, depending on how much fight Townsend had in him), but Paul Voelker was our favorite to come out of a deadlocked executive session. And deadlocked it appeared to be, as the council took almost exactly an hour to decide on a pick. After the clock ticked away, it was no surprise when the council eventually named Paul Voelker as Mayor and Mark Solomon as Mayor Pro Tem.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


From 2015 05 07 Portland

Today's photo-of-the-day is from Portland, Oregon. President Obama visited the city for a fundraiser downtown and a speech at Nike headquarters in Beaverton promoting the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement. He was met by several hundred protestors, including the woman in the photo above who went to some trouble to make not just a sign but a costume. The whole scene struck me a little like something from the television series Portlandia.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Sweet Jesus, $47 Million?

"Sweet Jesus, $47 Million?" That's what Unfair Park's Eric Nicholson exclaimed when learning the total of the City of Richardson's economic development agreement for the construction of apartments, offices and retail in the Palisades development.

Is he right to be flabbergasted? On the one hand, $47 million is a big number. No doubt about that. But compared to what? And what does the city get for its $47 million? Spoiler alert: the more I think about this, the less certain I am of what I should think.