Friday, January 31, 2014

Shrek the Musical at RHS

Shrek at RHS: The ogre, the princess, smart-ass donkey, and big cast. Kids let their freak flags fly with clever songs and dancing.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Suburban Freeways

Eisenhower himself didn't realize the Interstate Highway System would cut through American cities until a few years after construction began. Ike had wanted a national road network like the one he'd seen in Germany during World War II. But he'd also wanted these roads to stop at the doorsteps of cities, not push right past.
Source: The Atlantic.
This story about the history of freeways in America is an old one. The notion that "the Interstate Highway System should have been two distinct systems: one running between cities, and another running within them" is almost conventional wisdom now. There's even a grassroots movement, "A New Dallas," that seeks to tear up one of that city's downtown freeways, IH345.

I'm sold on the vision. After the jump, does this apply to Richardson?

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Captain Phillips (2013)

Captain Phillips (2013): Suspense relentlessly builds towards climax. Liberties? So what? Tom Hanks deserves Oscar nom with Barkhad Abdi. B+

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

District 102 and 112 Candidates: Your Pick

The six candidates for the GOP nomination for Texas House Districts 102 and 112 debated January 22 at a forum at the Canyon Creek Country Club. Vying to represent HD 102 were Stefani Carter (incumbent), Linda Koop, Adryana Boyne and Sam Brown. Vying to represent HD 112 were Angie Chen Button (incumbent) and Jared Patterson.

If you are a conservative Republican (is there any other kind?) you can safely take the rest of this primary season off. All six candidates were eager to make their case as the most conservative man or woman out there. All professed to be anti-tax, pro-life, anti-gay, and pro-gun. There are far more similarities than differences between these candidates.

But let's try to draw distinctions, anyway, shall we? After the jump, some highlights.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Fort Worth Stock Show

From 2014 01 22 Ft Worth Stock Show

If I had a bucket list, somewhere on it would be the Fort Worth Stock Show. Oldest continual running livestock show and rodeo (1896). First indoor rodeo (1918). First Brahma bull riding (1933). First live television broadcast (1958). Attendance over a million people each year.

Finally, this year, I can check it off that mythical bucket list. Sure, it was a midweek visit. No rodeo. No animals (to speak of). No crowds. Still, you could get some of the flavor of what makes this a big draw. Everyone was friendly and, because of the lack of crowds, had the time and was willing to talk.

More photos after the jump.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Grease at LHHS

Grease at Lake Highlands HS: Big and talented cast bring slicked hair, poodle skirts and sock hop to life with great singing, dancing, and tech.

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Spectacular Now (2013)

Spectacular Now (2013): Party boy teaches nice girl confidence. In the end, he learns more himself. Simple, sweet story. Very well acted. B+

S2L77: Dubrovnik

Somewhere in Yugoslavia
April 28, 1977
We drove for four hours beyond Skopje as far as the bridge with a hole in it.

Somewhere else in Yugoslavia on the Adriatic Sea
April 30, 1977
Evening barbecue on the beach.
Source: Personal travel notes.

From 1977 04 29 Yugoslavia

In 1977, Yugoslavia was still united and stable. Driving up from Greece, it was impossible to know when you crossed from, say, Kosovo to Serbia to Bosnia to Herzegovina to Croatia. It was all just beautiful, peaceful, rural scenery. It's sad to think of all the violence and tragedy that small corner of the world has experienced.

Dubrovnik is a walled, medieval city on the Dalmatian coast of the Adriatic Sea. Everything about it, from its narrow cobblestone streets to its imposing fortress walls to its views of the sea, makes it a visual feast. Despite being a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it was not safe from the troubles that came with the breakup of Yugoslavia. It was shelled by Serbian forces during the Croatian War in 1991. Restoration was apparently successful as today Dubrovnik is used as the city of King's Landing in the HBO series "Game of Thrones." But all of this was in the future when I visited in 1977 and took these photos.

More photos after the jump.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Recycling Styrofoam

City of Richardson
Recently, I offered my own suggestions to the City of Richardson for how to make recycling easier. That prompted Bill McCalpin to inform me (hat tip) that the city recently held a focus group, which generated its own suggestions:
  • Make recycling even easier by not having people try to read the tiny print on plastics to see which one it is, but just have people throw all of the plastic in, and have someone else sort it later.
  • Make the paper bags for yard waste freely available to landscapers.
The second suggestion matches my own, except I want the paper bags (or "green" plastic bags) freely available to homeowners, too. (I do my own yard work.)

The first suggestion was new to me. Frankly, it puzzled me. According to the City of Richardson website, "The items below can all be placed in the blue bags: Plastics #1-7 (excluding styrofoam), ..."

All plastics, #1-7, are accepted. That's all there is. So, if it's stamped with a recycling triangle, no matter what number is inside, it's one of those #1-7 recyclable plastics. There's no need to try to read the tiny print inside the triangle to see which one it is. Anyway, that's what I thought. Then I considered that magic asterisk, "excluding styrofoam."

After the jump, what's that all about?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Big Star (2012)

Big Star (2012): Documentary of obscure '70s cult band that lacked distribution, not talent. Movie needs more music and less talking. C+