Thursday, February 27, 2025

A Catalyst, Just Not the One Imagined

Source: Google Street View.
Staycation Coffee's current home

Catalyst: "a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction"

Example usage: "I'll be honest, I think this is a catalyst type project that will spur on to bigger, better things." — Mayor Bob Dubey, speaking of Polk Street Apartments.

City leaders have a fondness for the term "catalyst project." It's a buzzword that makes them sound knowledgable about the future. Do they ever go back and measure the performance of past catalyst projects?

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Wheel Award for Excellence in Motion Pictures

Source: DALL-E.

The Academy Awards will be given out Sunday, March 2, 2025. I've seen all the nominees for Best Picture. That means my opinion means something. Right? Regardless, I've ranked the movies in order of my preference for "Best Picture."

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science uses ranked choice voting (RCV) to ensure that the winner has broad support throughout the Academy members. I wish US political elections used something similar (see proportional voting). But that's for another post.

My personal ranked choice of the Oscar nominees is based on the grades I gave the movies immediately after seeing them. In case of ties, I ordered them by my judgment today. Note this is not my prediction of which movie will win (Anora) but how I would vote, if I had a vote.

The envelope please. The winner of "The Wheel Award for Excellence in Motion Pictures" goes to...

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Oscar Snubs

The 2025 Oscar nominations snub some worthy movies, as always. This year, the lowest grade The Wheel gave to a "Best Picture" nomination was a "B-". Eight movies received a better grade than that but weren't nominated for "Best Picture." The list of Oscar snubs of 2025 are...

Monday, February 24, 2025

Charter Review: Articles 5, 14

Artist: John Trumbull.

On February 20, 2025, the Richardson Charter Review Commission continued their review of the Richardson Charter, covering Articles 5 (Recall) and 14 (Initiative and Referendum).

(Still no video by the City to link you to. Mayor Bob Dubey slammed the door on that, saying, "Initially, I'll be honest, I said I don't think we even really need to discuss that." Forced to discuss it, and vote on it, he supplied the tie-breaking vote to reject video recording.)

Sunday, February 23, 2025

POTD: 19th Century Tivoli Gardens

"Rollercoasters climb,
Music from a bye-gone era,
Tivoli still sings."

— h/t ChatGPT
  From 2024 07 01 Copenhagen

Today's photo-of-the-day was taken in Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen, Denmark, an "amusement park and pleasure garden in Copenhagen, Denmark. The park opened on 15 August 1843 and is the third-oldest operating amusement park in the world."

A bonus photo is after the jump.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

POTD: Copenhagen, a Bicycle Friendly City

"Carbon-neutral plans,
can-do spirit seen on streets.
Copenhagen thrives."

— h/t ChatGPT
From 2024 07 01 Copenhagen

Today's photo-of-the-day was taken in Copenhagen, Denmark, a bicycle friendly city. According to a 2013 Guardian article, "Everywhere, visitors are greeted by streams of bicyclists; 36 percent of trips to work or school in the Danish capital are made by bike, and more than 20,000 cyclists enter the city center at peak hours, filling Copenhagen's 249 miles of cycle tracks."

New buildings in Copenhagen must now be constructed according to Low Energy Class ratings. A Low Energy Class building in Copenhagen is likely more energy-efficient than even a LEED-certified building in America (LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). Meanwhile, at home, "Richardson Says No to LEED". :-(

A bonus photo is after the jump.

Friday, February 21, 2025

A Real Pain (2024)

Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes

A Real Pain (2024): Dramedy. Cousins take trip to Poland to visit their Jewish grandmother's homeland. A vacation from hell: one cousin (Jesse Eisenberg) exhibits OCD and the other (Kieran Culkin) is irresponsible and lacks self-control. Culkin dominates every scene. Oscar buzz is deserved. B-


Thursday, February 20, 2025

Thelma (2024)

Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes

Thelma (2024): 93-year-old grandma gets scammed out of $10,000. Police are no help, her family are useless, so she undertakes to get the money back herself. Like Mr. Magoo, she keeps running up against obstacles, but somehow keeps going. Light-hearted comedy for the whole family. C+


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Council Recap: No Video of Charter Review

Source: h/t DALL-E.

On February 17, 2024, the Richardson City Council discussed the potential video recording of Charter Review Commission meetings. Some questioned the need. Some the cost. Some were concerned about the fairness to Commissioners who did not anticipate being recorded. Councilmember Dan Barrios argued for recording the remaining meetings due to the Commission's significance. Councilmember Jennifer Justice made a motion to leave the current situation as it is (no video), with future Commissions informed in advance of whatever was decided at that time. The motion passed 4-3, with Mayor Pro Tem Arefin, and Councilmembers Dan Barrios and Joe Corcoran opposed. Kudos to them for taking the side of increased transparency.

Read on for details of the arguments.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Kinda Pregnant (2025)

Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes

Kinda Pregnant (2025): Woman's dream of marriage and a baby falls apart, so she hatches a fake pregnancy plan. I don't know where it goes from there because I didn't finish the movie. Full of crude jokes and what's maybe worse, unfunny. Amy Schumer is better than this. F+
