Monday, March 30, 2020

The English Game (TV 2020)

Rotten Tomatoes
The English Game (TV 2020): The FA Cup in the 1880s, cotton millworkers vs Old Etonians, with class warfare, mill strikes, and a lot of romantic melodrama by Julian Fellowes. Predictable storyline and subplots but if you liked Downton Abbey, you'll like this. B-

Sunday, March 29, 2020

When Can We Start to Relax?

According to, expert medical estimates of the number of Covid-19 deaths that we can expect in the US range between 36,000 and 1.1 million. Dr. Fauci, a member of President Trump's coronavirus task force, issued his own estimate of between 100,000 and 200,000 deaths, which is in that same range. The biggest variable in determining which end of the estimates prove true is our own behavior. Will we be more like Dallas County or more like Collin County? Will we have the fortitude to keep stay-at-home measures in place long enough?

Friday, March 27, 2020

Tiger King (TV 2020)

Rotten Tomatoes
Tiger King (TV 2020): Grudge between exotic big cat zookeepers turns into true crime story of arson, a missing husband and murder-for-hire. Bigger than life low life characters starring a "gay, gun-carrying redneck with a mullet," a tiger lover and reality TV star wannabe. B+

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Conventional Wisdom Gets Whiplash

Conventional wisdom is getting whipped around by this pandemic. Remember in January, when China was first getting locked down because of coronavirus? Conventional wisdom (and by conventional wisdom I mean the Trump administration) said China's loss would be America's gain. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said, "I think it will help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America." Could coronavirus hurt America in any way? In the same interview, Ross said, "I think it’s almost physically impossible for there to be a recession this year." When you put an out-of-touch grifter in a responsible government position, you get what you should expect, political hackery, not expertise. Unless you live under a rock, you know where this goes next.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Fist Bumps

It's too early to predict what permanent changes COVID-19 will bring to life in America. Personally, I don't think I'll be shaking hands ever again. For years already, I've substituted fist bumps for hand shakes, but going forward I don't think even fist bumps are a good practice in a world of infectious disease. Right now, my favorite is the Namaste prayer hands with a head bow.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Look Back at Peru

From 2019 08 20 Machu Picchu

As we say goodbye to Peru and all of its wonderful and surprising experiences, this photo-of-the-day shows the main reason why we went to Peru in the first place. It's the classic photo every tourist takes of Machu Picchu. But this photo is not today's photo-of-the-day. Today's photo-of-the-day is after the jump. It shows the spot where the classic photo in everyone's vacation snapshots is taken. It's called the Guardhouse and it overlooks Machu Picchu from above. The photo shows one tourist posing just like we did in the photo above and it shows the queue of tourists patiently waiting their turn for their own photo.

Click to see the real photo-of-the-day.

Monday, March 23, 2020

POTD: Last Look at Puno

From 2019 08 23 Puno

Today's photo-of-the-day is from Puno, Peru. It shows the city climbing the hillside on the shore of Lake Titicaca.

After the jump, a view from the city of our hotel across a bay of Lake Titicaca. It's the white building all by itself on the shore. I now claim that is an example of prudent social distancing, not inappropriate classism.

Sunday, March 22, 2020


Do you know how glitter can be annoyingly hard to get rid of? Attend a wedding where glitter is thrown on the bride and you'll be finding glitter yourself, in your hair, in your clothes, in your carpet at home far from the church. It doesn't matter if you weren't in the wedding party and weren't throwing the glitter yourself. If you attend the wedding, chances are that you will go home with glitter. That's how I like to think viruses behave. They just aren't as visible as glitter. Treat social distancing like you don't want to go home with glitter.

Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot (2018)

Rotten Tomatoes
Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot (2018): Alcoholic hits rock bottom when he's paralyzed in a drunken crash. Movie shows his climb back up, thanks to his sponsor at AA, Lao-Tzu, and cartooning. Joaquin Phoenix in another unforgettable role. Jonah Hill's best work. B-

Saturday, March 21, 2020

"Stakeholders" Over Residents, Part 411

My Facebook feed is usually an endless scroll of coyote and bobcat sightings ("Bring your pets inside!"), loose dogs ("Does anyone recognize this cutie?"), strange sounds ("Was that a gunshot?), traffic enforcement ("A black SUV just ran a stop sign!"), and, especially recently, shopping advice ("Does anyone know where to find toilet paper?").

But today was different. It's a personal appeal that shows that in a time of uncontrolled pandemic, daily life struggles go on. In this case, a tenant's fight with a landlord. This might be a warning sign of a larger issue in Richardson. Main Street in historic downtown is being repaved by the city, in part a gift to a major private redevelopment there scheduled to break ground this summer (Gateway to Core Richardson).
"Richardson lacks a walkable district where people can spend hours and be entertained," said Manasseh Durkin, president of Durkin Properties, one of several private partners in the effort to revitalize Main. "Our hope is that the Core District fills that void."
You know what "revitalization" has usually meant elsewhere. The people there already have to go. They have to make way for progress. That brings us to today's story from two blocks east of the renewal, where the evictions are apparently underway, by hook or by crook.