Monday, December 5, 2016

Wanted: Superintendent, Practically Perfect in Every Way

The Richardson school district (RISD) is seeking a new superintendent. Everybody has an opinion. Expectations and demands are as high as those set by the George Banks family in Edwardian England when advertising for a nanny.

"If you want this choice position, have a cheery disposition.
Rosy cheeks, no warts. Play games, all sorts.
You must be kind, you must be witty, very sweet, and fairly pretty.
Take us on outings, give us treats, sing songs, bring sweets.
Never be cross or cruel. Never give us castor oil or gruel.
Love us as a son and daughter, and never smell of barley water.
Hurry, Nanny! Many thanks!
Jane and Michael Banks!"

Assuming that someone with Mary Poppins's qualifications isn't available, what criteria should be used to identify the RISD's next superintendent?

Friday, December 2, 2016

POTD: She Dreams out of Windows

From 2016 09 06 Sydney
Today's photo-of-the-day is from the 18th century French Fortress of Louisbourg on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia.


She dreams out
of windows
because she needs to live
in both worlds:
within and without,
alone and together,
past and future:
all right now.
Source: Mike Essig.
cf. POTD: Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
cf. POTD: Ethnology.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Repeat Tweets: Break Up the Cubs

Repeat tweets from November, 2016:

  • Nov 2 2016: Break up the Cubs. #WorldSeries
  • Nov 2 2016: 45 Years (2015): Long-dead girlfriend's body interferes with a couple's 45-year anniversary. Quiet, touching movie. Two strong leads. B-
  • Nov 2 2016: MT @BudKennedy: "The Des Moines suspect is a Confederate flag activist who opposes civil rights protest. You take it from there." White Lives Matter?

After the jump, more repeat tweets.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mr. Holmes (2015)

Mr. Holmes (2015): Sherlock as a retired 93-year-old. Less mental work, more heart. Purists may object, but I liked the character growth. A-

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Know A Neighborhood: Canyon Creek

"Know A Neighborhood" is an occasional series that offers Richardson neighborhood leaders the opportunity to answer questions that might be of general interest to Richardson residents (or at least to me). My thanks to all who agree to participate.

Today: Jeremy Thomason, Canyon Creek HOA President, answers a question posed by The Wheel.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Heroes "R" Us

Notice anything different between the old and the new logos?
Real Heroes old logo Real Heroes new logo
Old Logo New Logo
The "R" is different in the new logo. The "R" in the old "Richardson Real Heroes" logo is the "R" from the City of Richardson's own logo. The "R" in the new "Richardson Real Heroes" logo is some other font (Brush Script?), vaguely similar but different.

Friday, November 25, 2016

POTD: Wooden Ship Abuilding

From 2016 09 06 Sydney

Today's photo-of-the-day is from the 18th century French Fortress of Louisbourg on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, where today re-enactment of life in the 1700s is all a part of the pleasure of visiting.

Bonus photo after the jump.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

It's Such a Beautiful Day (2012)

It's Such a Beautiful Day (2012): Simple animated short about life of Bill, a sad sack who is either mentally ill or imaginative genius. C+

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

POTD: The Fog of History

From 2016 09 06 Sydney

Today's photo-of-the-day is from the 18th century French Fortress of Louisbourg, and the town it protected, on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Or rather, from a modern reconstruction of the fortress. In the mid-1740s, Louisbourg was a major commercial port and the fortress one of the most extensive European fortifications constructed in North America. The fortress was captured by the English in 1758 and destroyed not long after. Maybe Canadians remember, but to most Americans (and by "most Americans" I mean, of course, me) it's all lost to the fog of history.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Airlift (2016)

Airlift (2016): Saddam invades Kuwait. 170,000 Indians need rescue. Akshay Kumar saves the day. Bollywood tells story Hollywood doesn't. B-

More after the jump.