Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Two Roads Diverged on Renner Road

Richardson Trail Map

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Source: Robert Frost.
Say you live in Richardson in an apartment on Renner Rd, west of Central Expressway, and you want to get to the DART station. Say you don't want to drive your own car. What would your trip be like?

After the jump, follow me.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Charter Review: Maybe Not So Dead After All

The last time we talked about a city charter review for Richardson was in February, when the city council voted 6-1 (Amir Omar dissenting) to reject a proposal to place before the voters a charter amendment to allow for the direct election of the mayor. The council then voted 5-2 (Omar and Steve Mitchell dissenting) to reject a proposal to appoint a commission to review the charter as a whole. At the time, I was shocked with how cavalierly the council dismissed what I had considered to be a campaign promise.

Did you think that was the end of it? Think again. After the jump, an effort to make an end run around the council.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Review: On China

On China

On China, by Henry Kissinger: History of Chinese diplomacy by the master of Realpolitik. An arrogant know-it-all but he was there. A-

From On China, by Henry Kissinger:

Open quote 
Just as there are no great cathedrals in China, there are no Blenheim Palaces."

Henry Kissinger was there at the beginning, when the great freeze in China/US relations ended. He prepared the way for Nixon to go to China after a generation of virtually no official contacts. Kissinger has been involved ever since, a trusted intermediary between the Chinese and US governments, despite having no official portfolio. That's what makes this history so valuable. Kissinger's first hand accounts of relations with a rising powerhouse in Asia could be written by no one else.

After the jump, my review.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Rodger Jones Accused of Bigotry

Patrick Kennedy, urban planner and opponent of urban freeways, has accused Rodger Jones, editorial writer for The Dallas Morning News, of bigotry in his reporting on a public hearing on the Trinity floodplain toll road.

Bigotry? Even Kennedy knows that's a strong charge. I might have said one-sided, lacking balance, maybe even biased. But bigotry? That's such a loaded word.

After the jump, a sampling of Jones's work that riled Kennedy, and, oh yeah, a Richardson connection.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dine Smart, Dine Local. How About Dine Healthy?

The City of Richardson recently revamped its online presence, rolling out a new website with great fanfare. Maybe it's a work in progress. Check out these two sections of the city's website and see what you think.
OK, what do you think? Compare and contrast. Make a suggestion for how to improve the usability of these two sections.

After the jump, the answer.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

OTBR: Hopetoun Falls in the Otways

Latitude 38.6094° S
Longitude 143.3802° E

A child on a road trip with his family asks, "Where are we?" and the father answers, "Let's check the map. We're off the blue roads [the Interstate Highways marked in blue on the road atlas]. We're off the red roads [the US and state highways]. We're off the black roads [the county highways]. I think we're off the map altogether." It was always my dream to be off the map altogether.

After the jump, a few of the random places (and I mean random literally) that I visited vicariously last month that are "off the blue roads".

Monday, May 7, 2012

Dallas Arboretum vs Winfrey Point

From 2012 04 Dallas Blooms

Dallas Arboretum Garden Etiquette
  • No picking flowers, foliage, seeds or leaves
  • No climbing on trees, walls, fountains or sculptures
  • No standing or walking in flower beds
  • No balls, Frisbees, bikes, scooters, roller blades, kites, balloons, or other items potentially damaging to the grounds are permitted in the Garden.
  • But feel free to drive your cars, vans, SUVs, pickup trucks, whatever, all over the grasses on that patch of Texas blackland prairie at Winfrey Point. What do we care? It's not ours.
I have no business commenting on Dallas's business, but I can't resist this spat of nature lovers. It's tree huggers vs flower power. What it boils down to is that the Dallas Arboretum has outgrown its parking. It wants to use White Rock Lake's Winfrey Point for special event overflow parking (and maybe later for more permanent parking).

After the jump, my perspective.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Swing Away ... in May

From 2012 00 Miscellaneous

The Lake Highlands HS Wildcat baseball team extended their season with a wild win over McKinney Boyd in the second game of their three game series Friday night. Just how wild was it? I dunno. I left in the second inning when rain started to fall. Lake Highlands was trailing 2-0. Apparently, the serious rain missed the ball field, allowing the teams to get the game in. Judging from these tweets, it sounds like it was a game to stick around for:

RT @GreggCalvin: "Yes please! That's how you do it! #Game3 at McKinney Boyd tomorrow at 12 o'clock"

RT @rthomas422: "Ahh crazy game! Game 3 at Boyd tomorrow at 12. #lhbaseball"

Update: From The Dallas Morning News: "Lake Highlands 4, McKinney Boyd 3: Lake Highlands scored three runs in the bottom of the seventh [high schools play seven innings], capped by an RBI single by Colton Bradley, to even the best-of-3 series at one win apiece. Game 3 is set for noon Saturday at McKinney Boyd."

Keep Richardson Weird

Teresa Gubbons and Pegasus News have the big news:

The City of Richardson's planning commission gave the go-ahead to a plan from Austin-based Alamo Drafthouse to open its first branch in Dallas-Fort Worth in the Richardson Heights Shopping Center.
Source: Pegasus News.
This announcement of a movie theater coming to Richardson, and not just any movie theatre, is exactly the kind of catalyst that could spark a renaissance for Richardson's old downtown ... if Richardson seizes the opportunity.

After the jump, imagining what this might mean.