Twitter tracks from March, 2011:
- 2011 03 01 - Vote YES on the RISD bond. And here's why: Strong schools. Good education. No tax increase.
- 2011 03 01 - Headline: "Huckabee says President Obama's childhood in Kenya shaped his world view ." Even Mike Huckabee's an idiot. Unless he retracts.
- 2011 03 01 - GasLand (2010): Gas industry pumps toxic chemicals into groundwater all over US. Scary and depressing as hell. Drill, baby, drill. C+
- 2011 03 01 - Is there such a thing as #DontFollowTuesday? If so, I nominate @charliesheen and @GovernorPerry.
- 2011 03 02 - Headline: "Heavy Snow Linked To Climate Change." D'oh. Warm air -> More evaporation -> More precipitation overall, some locally heavy. D'oh.
- 2011 03 02 - Headline: "Pope Exonerates Jews For Jesus' Death." Shouldn't he instead be apologizing for his own sins?
- 2011 03 03 - UN agrees to have ICC investigate war crimes by Gaddafi. US supports move, with exception that no Americans can ever be investigated by ICC.
- 2011 03 03 - Newt Gingrich announces plan to explore possibility of creating exploratory committee to explore whether or not to run for President in 2012
- 2011 03 03 - The Thin Blue Line (1988): Long overdue viewing of this shocking story of how Dallas DA office railroaded an innocent man to death row. B+
- 2011 03 03 - I'm with Schutze. Liberals have nothing on conservatives when it comes to imposing nanny state laws.
- 2011 03 03 - Leppert is running a statewide campaign??? Maybe he shouldn't brag about stealing business from San Antonio for Dallas.
After the jump, more Twitter tracks.