Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why Libertarians Never Win

In a word, principle. In two words, simplistic principle. In a phrase, simplistic principle to the point of parody.

Q. How many Libertarians does it take to change a light bulb?
A. None. If the government would just leave the damn light bulb alone, it would change itself.

A simplistic principle applied reflexively to every problem is like a broken clock that's correct twice a day. When it's correct, you nod your head in admiration. More often you shake your head in utter disbelief. Libertarians are nothing if not consistent, even when it doesn't serve their electoral chances. That's why they don't win elections.

John Jay Myers, the Libertarian running for Congress in the 32nd District against long-time incumbent Pete Sessions, who is anything but principled, is no exception. After the jump, the Libertarian admirably gets it right on this summer's ginned up political wedge issue, the so-called Ground Zero Mosque (which is neither on Ground Zero, nor properly speaking, a mosque). Too bad it won't win him many votes.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rod Dreher: Big Questions, Predictable Answers

You remember Rod Dreher. He was with The Dallas Morning News editorial board. He was the spiritual heir to William Murchison. Both think the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. You could always recognize Dreher's work. He would wring his hands about the downfall of Western Civilization because of gays or Muslims or the disappearance of the Latin Mass.

After the jump, what Dreher is agitated about now.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Man Without Ethics Is A Wild Beast

"I had taken a course in Ethics. I read a thick textbook, heard the class discussions and came out of it saying I hadn't learned a thing I didn't know before about morals and what is right or wrong in human conduct."
-- Carl Sandburg
"Integrity has no need of rules."
-- Albert Camus

The Richardson City Council is on track to deliver on three big expectations dealing with good governance that arose during the 2009 election campaign. First, the council has already instituted cable telecasts and Internet streaming of council meetings. Second, the city is expected to have the city check register online by the end of the year. Third, the council could have a code of ethics in place as early as September 20. (Update: The public hearing has been scheduled for September 13.)

After the jump, the deliberation over ethics.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Weather And History

Hot enough for you? Partisan politicking too heated for you, too? Well, quit complaining. The summer of 1860 was just as hot and the politics were even hotter. The results were catastrophic.

After the jump, the tragic story of the "Texas Troubles."

Friday, August 13, 2010

What I Learned About Richardson In Wikipedia

Things I learned about Richardson, Texas, from reading Wikipedia:

  • In 2004, Richardson was the first North Texas city recognized as a best workplace for commuters.
  • In 2007, Richardson ranked as the 5th safest city in Texas and the 69th safest city in America.
  • In 2008, Richardson ranked as the 4th best place to live in Texas and the 18th best place to live in the United States.
  • In 2009, Richardson ranked as the 2nd best city in Texas to raise kids.
  • In 2010, Richardson ranked 1st among Texas cities in the truthfulness of its Wikipedia page.

OK, I admit that one of those facts does not (yet) appear on Richardson's Wikipedia page. After the jump, other things that do.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

No Trash Talking On City Council

Yesterday, I blogged about the Richardson City Council's decision to approve a special permit to build an independent-living senior apartment complex in northwest Richardson, despite opposition from some neighbors. I complimented the city council on how the issue was handled. There is another LULU issue in Richardson that so far has not been a shining example of representative democracy in action.

After the jump, trash talking in Richardson.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Seniors Still Welcome In Richardson

Evergreen Senior Living Community
Evergreen Senior Living

Monday night, Richardson's city council meeting offered a rare example of controversy on the council. Richardson residents expressed opposition to a proposed independent-living senior apartment complex on the corner of Renner and North Star in Richardson's panhandle. Proponents argued that the property is unmarketable for retail. The opponents don't want more apartments, even if the residents will be nice, law-abiding seniors who will be tending their community gardens and enjoying their knitting and crochet socials. The part of the meeting devoted to public comments took 41 minutes to accommodate all who wanted to speak to the issue. The council itself was split. Maybe this wasn't exactly fireworks in the council chambers, but it's what passes for fireworks in "R Town".

After the jump, the outcome.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

FBCR: First Bank of City of Richardson


How can we boost church membership? I know, let's update our look and feel. A new logo maybe. Less stuffy. More modern. No crosses, unless it's so subtle it's almost subliminal. Something more like an Internet company. Or a bank. Something like one of these...

Corporate logos

Yeah, something like that will work. Do it! Praise the Lord! FDIC insured.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Working On Steve's Twitter


Twitter is hit or miss. Mostly miss. Many of the tweets of the people I follow are either (pick one) funny, insightful, informative, but many deservedly scroll off the bottom of my tweet roll none too soon. I'm frequently pruning my follow list in an attempt to increase the ratio of hits to misses. And I'm often on the lookout for promising new people to follow. Twitter offers friendly suggestions. One of the names that showed up on my own suggestion list was "abraxas27".

Clicking through I quickly judged abraxas27 a "miss." It looks like he set up his Twitter account in April, 2009. He went to the trouble to upload a graphic of the starship Enterprise to use as wallpaper. He posted seven tweets in two days, and then ... nothing more. Before I clicked away, something about abraxas27 caught my attention - his profile. I know I'm reading a lot between the lines here, but I couldn't help thinking, this explains a lot about the City of Richardson's website. But I'll let readers come to their own conclusions.

  • Name: Ed Snavely
    Location: McKinney, Tx
    Bio: Web Manager for the City of Richardson

  • Steve I have sent you the image. 3:49 PM Apr 23rd, 2009 via web
  • Come see my screen.....! 3:44 PM Apr 23rd, 2009 via web
  • Steve are you working? 3:44 PM Apr 23rd, 2009 via web
  • Steve, It looks like twitter has fixed the image issues they had yesterday. We can set yours up later today. 12:37 PM Apr 23rd, 2009 via web
  • Working on Steve's twitter. 2:37 PM Apr 22nd, 2009 via web
  • I am currently working on a powerpoint. 8:30 AM Apr 22nd, 2009 via web
  • Good Morning I am testing my new twitter account. 8:28 AM Apr 22nd, 2009 via web