Showing posts with label Misc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Misc. Show all posts

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Random Thoughts: Luka Doncic Trade


2025-02-02: Musing on the Luka Doncic trade...maybe Miriam Adelson, Las Vegas real estate player and new owner of the Mavs, is trying to replicate Jerry Jones's results with the Cowboys. Don't win championships, win real estate deals and increase the value of the franchise. Maybe Adelson wants to take the money that would have gone to Luka and invest it in a casino, once Texas leg opens the door to that possibility.

2025-02-05: I am not a conspiracy theorist but if there were something that might just make me one, it could be the Luca Doncic trade.

2025-02-07: There's a major free-speech battle being fought right here in Richardson, Texas. Student editorial control of student journalism is at stake.
Inside UT-Dallas’ fight over the student press

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Random Thoughts: My CFP Bingo Card


2025-01-01: On my CFP bingo card I didn't have Ohio State blowing out Oregon and Arizona taking Texas to two overtimes. Crazy day of football.

2025-01-03: Georgia lost to Notre Dame by 13 points. National reaction: Notre Dame is good.
Indiana lost to Notre Dame by 10 points. National reaction: Indiana is bad.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Banned by Facebook

" 'Banned in Boston' is a phrase that was employed from the late 19th century through the mid-20th century, to describe a literary work, song, motion picture, or play which had been prohibited from distribution or exhibition in Boston, Massachusetts...Commercial distributors were often pleased when their works were banned in Boston—it gave them more appeal elsewhere."

The modern equivalent is "Banned by Facebook."

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Random Thoughts: 2026 primary battle, Paxton vs Cornyn


2024-12-01: Re: Potential 2026 primary battle by Ken Paxton for John Cornyn's Senate seat: "Cornyn has cast Paxton as too shady to be a U.S. senator, an argument that could appeal to Republicans who worry about Paxton’s legal entanglements."
lol. Are there any Republicans "who worry about legal entanglements" anymore?

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

AI's View of Me

It's said that the internet knows everything about you. So I asked ChatGPT, "Based on what you know of me, create a photograph that depicts how you view me."

This is what I got:

Source: Adobe Firefly

"Here’s a photographic depiction inspired by your interests and personality as I perceive them. It combines a serene atmosphere with thoughtful elements that resonate with your love for history and meaningful storytelling. Let me know how it aligns with your vision!"

Source: ChatGPT

Nailed it! ;-)

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Random Thoughts: Pre-election Musing


2024-11-02: The Lincoln Project asks, "Other than Trump, which Republicans do you REALLY want to lose this November?"
That question drew 3.5K comments.

2024-11-04: This is Texas District 112, represented by Angie Chen Button. To keep her Dallas County district packed with as many reliable GOP voters as the GOP legislature in Austin can find, Angie Chen Button is backed up against the wall (Collin County to the north, Rockwall and Kaufman Counties to the east). She is cornered. This is what they mean by politicians choosing their voters instead of voters choosing their representatives.

2024-11-04: The biggest problem with the US Constitution is due to the Founding Fathers not respecting democratic elections.

2024-11-04: "Moldova's pro-European Union incumbent President Maia Sandu won a tense presidential runoff election Sunday, beating a rival backed by a pro-Russian party in what she called as a 'lesson in democracy.'
'Today, dear Moldovans, you have given a lesson in democracy, worthy of being written in history books.... Freedom, truth, and justice have prevailed," Sandu declared.'"
Let's hope Americans can say the same thing on November 5.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Random Thoughts: A Smidgen of Hope for the Planet


2024-10-01: "The UK Has No Coal-Fired Power Plants for the First Time in 142 Years" | WIRED.
Most of the time, I think our efforts to address climate change amount to too-little, too-late. But every once in a while there's a headline like this that gives me a smidgen of hope.

2024-10-03: "11 damning details in Jack Smith’s new brief in the Trump election case" | POLITICO.
Damning? These Trump scandals have reached the point of having no effect on public opinion. Maybe they are even counter-productive. With every story, more voters might be moved to support Trump just to get these cases settled than moved to want him to lose to see the cases pursued for another four years. Depressing, but I think that's where we are.

2024-10-04: "US economy added a whopping 254,000 jobs last month" | CNN Business.
Those are new jobs, in addition to all the jobs Americans had last month. Even if immigrants are taking some Americans' jobs, there are a "whopping" number of new ones to pick from.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Monday, September 2, 2024

Random Thoughts: Westerners Who Set Foot in Russia


2024-08-01: "Any Westerners who set foot in Russia should always understand that they could be the next bargaining chips for some future deal." - The Atlantic
Why we won't be booking any tour of Russia any time soon.

2024-08-02: On even days, Trumpers are scaring up votes by warning, "She's BLACK!!!" On odd days, they claim, "She's really not Black at all." I remember when campaigns would strive for consisent messaging.

2024-08-02: Headline: "Kamala Harris ‘honored’ after earning enough votes to become Democratic nominee."
Kudos to her...for saying 'honored' instead of 'humbled.'

Sunday, August 11, 2024

If I Were in Charge of the Olympics

Source: Naomi Baker/Getty Images
I don't know a damned thing about gymnastics, and even less about scoring gymnastics, but there are some basic principles that any sport should adhere to, imo.
  1. If judges take several minutes to compute a score, the athlete should be given at least as long to review the judges' work.
  2. If the athlete is given only one minute to protest the scoring, the judges should be given no more than one minute to declare the protest came too late.
  3. If the athlete is given only one minute to protest the scoring, another athlete shouldn't be given a whole day to protest that the first athlete's protest came too late to be considered.
  4. If the athlete is given only one minute to protest the scoring, the governing body shouldn't be given five days to decide the original protest came too late to be considered.
  5. Someone with a sense of fairness should be given however long it takes to realize that if the original scoring was, in fact, wrong, then correcting *that* mistake should carry more weight than correcting the mistake of accepting a protest that was submitted a few seconds too late.
  6. Judges shouldn't be allowed to ruin what had been up to then a beautiful Olympics.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Random Thoughts: Absolute Immunity


2024-07-01: "Supreme Court says Trump has absolute immunity for official acts only." -- Texas Standard
Remember when Trump said, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" I guess the part about not losing MAGA voters is still true. The only thing left in question is whether this Court would side with Trump that any shootings on Fifth Avenue are "official acts." But with this MAGA Court, is even that in question?

2024-07-13: Headline: "Joe Biden avoids further gaffes at Detroit rally."
It's a low bar.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Random Thoughts: AI-Generated News


2024-06-01: Today's example of irony: A news story about elections in India from a news source that uses a fountain pen for a logo and a motto of "Dare to Write" ends with this disclaimer: "This is AI generated news with no Human interference."

2024-06-01: MaryAnne Doty's comment: "Maybe it's time for Tree the Town to help replace all the mature trees we lost in Richardson this week."

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Random Thoughts: Taking Down the UT-Dallas Protestors' Encampment


2024-05-02: Taking down the protestors' encampment at UT-Dallas involved officers from UT-D, Richardson, Allen (SWAT), Collin County Sheriff, and Texas Rangers. That shows impressive coordination...and maybe needless risk, as coordination on that scale doesn't come easily.

2024-05-02: Maybe they all have experience taking down homeless encampments. If so, you'd think any one of them was probably up to the task at hand. From reports, everything was peaceful before (and during and after) the police move.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Random Thoughts: Eclipse Conspiracy Theories


2024-04-06: I don't recall any conspiracy theories about the eclipse circulating on social media. Am I missing them?

2024-04-09: Great view of the eclipse in McKinney. Diamond ring, 3 minutes of totality, then another diamond ring. Awesome.

2024-04-09: I always tell people that partial eclipses are interesting, but just can't compare to a total eclipse. A 99% partial eclipse sounds good, but totality is something else entirely. We would have been chasing the 2017 eclipse if we didn't know that the 2024 eclipse was coming right to us.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Random Thoughts: Herd Stupidity


2024-03-03: Column: "As measles spreads, 'herd stupidity' grips Florida's government."
Pretty much. Conservative government is harmful to public health. Add that warning to others: Conservative government is harmful to democracy. Conservative government is harmful to the climate. How about just the catch-all warning: "Conservative government is harmful."

Friday, March 1, 2024

Random Thoughts: A Profile in Courage


2024-02-08: Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) deserves a place in a "Profiles in Courage" for the 21st century. "A Princeton and Georgetown-educated PhD, a Marine veteran and a committee chairman, he had warned his GOP colleagues not to “pry open the Pandora’s box of perpetual impeachment.”" For that he was encircled and screamed at by his Republican colleagues.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Random Thoughts: Thinking about...Ann Landers?


2024-01-01: "At age 20, we worry about what others think of us.
At age 40, we don't care what they think of us.
At age 60, we discover they haven't been thinking of us at all."
-- Ann Landers (1918-2002).
At age 20, we thought Ann Landers was embarrassing.
At age 40, we conceded that she sometimes knew what she was talking about.
At age 60, we missed her dearly.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Random Thoughts: I Can't Wait for the 12 Team Playoff


2023-12-03: Five schools have a strong argument. Only four can make the playoffs. I can't wait for the 12 team format that we should've had two decades ago.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Random Thoughts: Over/Under for Rangers' 2024 ticket prices


2023-11-02: What's the over/under for how much Texas Rangers' ticket prices will jump next season?

2023-11-10: I just received an email from Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson that begins, "Thank you for supporting the Republican Mayors Association (RMA), an organization I launched less than three weeks ago." The mayor of Dallas is officially a non-partisan office. Recently, Mayor Johnson announced he was switching political parties. Now he's turning the office partisan. I have no idea where he got the impression that I support the Republican Mayors Association. I definitely don't.