Saturday, March 1, 2025

POTD: Kronborg Castle

"There are more things
in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of
in your philosophy."

— Hamlet

From 2024 07 01 Copenhagen

Today's photo-of-the-day was taken in Helsingør, Denmark. It shows Kronborg Castle, much better known as Elsinore in William Shakespeare's Hamlet. "Rendered as 'Elsinore,' it's actually the anglicised name of the surrounding town of Helsingør."

"The castle's story dates back to a stronghold, Krogen, built by King Eric VII in the 1420s. The castle is situated on the extreme northeastern tip of the island of Zealand at the narrowest point of the Øresund, the sound between present Denmark and the provinces of present Sweden." The narrowness of the sound leads to "the strategic importance of maintaining a coastal fortification at this location commanding one of the few outlets of the Baltic Sea."

A bonus photo is after the jump.

From 2024 07 01 Copenhagen

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