Thursday, August 1, 2024

Random Thoughts: Absolute Immunity


2024-07-01: "Supreme Court says Trump has absolute immunity for official acts only." -- Texas Standard
Remember when Trump said, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" I guess the part about not losing MAGA voters is still true. The only thing left in question is whether this Court would side with Trump that any shootings on Fifth Avenue are "official acts." But with this MAGA Court, is even that in question?

2024-07-13: Headline: "Joe Biden avoids further gaffes at Detroit rally."
It's a low bar.

2024-07-14: Re: City of Richardson's "Envision Richardson" Comp Plan update: I assumed going in that maybe, just maybe, they needed such a big production to defend their intention to make some significant changes. As it proceeded, I fear that the money might have been spent to defend their intention to make few changes of significance.

2024-07-14: In June, I wrote this: "Just yesterday, I was talking to someone about how revolutions turn on their own when they've defeated all their enemies. Today, I woke to this headline: "Indiana GOP Rejects Trump Lieutenant-Governor Pick for Extremist.'" Today in July, it's reported that the attempted assassination of former President Trump was carried out by a Republican.

2024-07-15: Headline: "J.D. Vance Joins Ticket With Man He Once Called ‘America’s Hitler’"
"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." --
Maya Angelou

2024-07-17: Support independent investigative local journalism.
"Editorial: Investigative journalism at stake — support The Mercury"

2024-07-17: America's motto, "E pluribus unum," has been inflated beyond what was originally intended. It was a political statement, a recognition that out of 13 separate states, one nation was formed. It was never meant to imply that out of all the various origins, cultures, and religions that formed America, we have only one uniform people today. Which we don't. Whether we can all live together is a constant test of the American experiment. There's no guarantee that we will always pass the test.

2024-07-23: There's an elderly, confused man running for President...and his name isn't Joe.

2024-07-25: Jaynie Schulz, Dallas City Council, referring to the Mayor: “It’s like someone you’re passing on the street; we’re gonna be friendly. But we’ve never talked about anything that matters. If you are part of a group that has a leader who is not interested in a group vision or a group process, then it’s impossible to do that. You can’t do it without your leader.”
Is there anyone on the Richardson City Council who can explain why that's NOT the case here? Or is it?

More random thoughts can be found on Mastodon.

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