From 2009 Family |
Saturday morning was sunny and pleasant, a perfect day for Ellen and me to go to the Cottonwood Art Festival with Walt and Ruth. By 2:30 PM, the time we got around to going, the clouds had moved in. By 3:00 PM, minutes after we arrived at the park and were strolling among the booths, the rain sprinkles began. No umbrella. One wheelchair. A walk of several blocks back to the car. Luckily it was a sprinkle, not a downpour, making the whole outing an adventure, not a disaster. All in all, a good time was had by all.
After the jump, a few photos I managed to snap off before the rains came, and then a final word about parking
From 2009 Family |
From 2009 Family |
Parking is always a challenge at the Cottonwood Arts Festival. There is plenty of parking, despite the usual complaints, just no close parking. You might have to walk two blocks or three or four. It won't kill you, folks. I heard complaints this year that the Richardson Police were ticketing cars parked illegally. There was one driver in particular who I hope received a ticket. As we were leaving the park, we crossed Brookwood Dr. where it ends at Belt Line Rd. just across the street from Cottonwood Park (see photo below). Police had barricaded off Brookwood (see orange indicator in the photo below), but cars were still allowed to park on Brookwood and to exit Brookwood by turning right onto Belt Line. As we crossed the street, a driver was attempting to parallel park at the corner (see red indicator in the photo below) despite the permanent sign indicating no parking from the sign to the corner. His car at the curb and the barricades in the middle of the street made it impossible for any other car to exit Brookwood onto Belt Line. The drivers in the cars behind him let him know, honking their horns in irritation, but he ignored them as he inched forward and back to park. I don't know how the incident played out, as we continued back to our own car (parked inconveniently a block or two away). But here's hoping the Richardson Police ticketed this driver for his inconsiderate choice of parking spot, convenient for him but most inconvenient for everyone else.